West Wing

Through the main cave, the west wing can be reached, which is in a semi-ruined state. Besides a small chapel, it comprises a cistern closed within the pillared cave that is believed to be Buddhist. To the west of the courtyard, there is a shrine with a portico which contains several carvings of a three-faced Brahma with beard, Shiva in a yogic pose seated on a lotus that is carried by 'two fat, heavy, wigged figures' and others.The back door of the portico leads to a cave that is enshrined with a versatile Shiva Linga, erected over roughly hewn salunkhs. The entrance of the door is flanked by two fat, poised figures and statues of gatekeepers standing over demons. A number of statues are also situated on the southern side of the door.The most prominent of the carvings is the carving (ruined state) of Lord Shiva with third eye in the forehead, six arms, ornamented crown fixed with a crescent, a club in one hand and a cobra in the other hand in a dancing pose. Beside this image, there are images of Shiva seated on a lotus, a figure under a plantain tree, male figure riding a bull with a bell on its neck, female figure with jewel on her forehead and many more.

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